Vegas CineFest
Vegas CineFest
Official Selections
Pegasi (No runtime, ) sub. by Samuel Mallernee
Mosh Pit Love (No runtime, ) sub. by Sharlene Lea'uanae
Bunny and Claude (No runtime, ) sub. by James Meyer
National Pastime (No runtime, ) sub. by DAVID LIETO
The Joy of Unemployment (No runtime, ) sub. by Daniel Sandoval
Bernie and Rebecca (No runtime, ) sub. by John Harris
Where the Catwalk Ends (No runtime, ) sub. by Heather Nicole
If It Happens Again I'll Kill You (No runtime, ) sub. by Lisa Jay
Simon Says (No runtime, ) sub. by Joey Kent
The Elevator Pitch (No runtime, ) sub. by DAVID LIETO
Tobacco Roses (No runtime, ) sub. by raymond harrison
Day Like Night (No runtime, ) sub. by Scott Swartz
Memento Mori (No runtime, ) sub. by Stuart Creque
Tiger Lili (No runtime, ) sub. by sally young
Fire Me (No runtime, ) sub. by Michael Le Stat
Pen Perry Stop Loss (An Ode to Alec Baldwin) (No runtime, ) sub. by Ron Podell
Never wake me up (No runtime, ) sub. by Namo Safideen
DISABLED PARKING (No runtime, ) sub. by Alon Bar
SPIN - script only (No runtime, ) sub. by Tom Mcintire