Vegas CineFest
Extra Exposure...
What is "Extra Exposure" ?
As a submitting filmmaker, you will exposed to many voters including the general AUDIENCE at large rating your project.
On the 1st day of every month, 3 filmmaker enrolled in this program will be selected and awarded the Official 2020 VCF "AUDIENCE SELECTION AWARD" during the Festival Event.
Think about it, 80% of the total votes come from the audience at large.
The more exposure, the better chance of ranking at the "Top"
Expose to a maximum audience now...
Register your project for maximum exposure now, for the monthly "AUDIENCE SELECTION AWARD"
Post you project today for $5.99 per month until end of August 2020 (cancel anytime)
Once you have subscribe, please email us your submission ID number and the link to your "Youtube" or "Vimeo" project so we can upload immediately.
You have questions, please email us...
Best of luck in this competition...